Acumen Product Marketing
ACUMEN Product Marketing Module
Product Marketing Module
ACUMEN Book integrates all processes and functions into a single interface for book publishers, enhancing output through publishing-specific capabilities. It enables faster access, analysis, and creation of important data, allowing publishers to surpass industry norms. Acumen Books implementation helps in the automation of manual tasks, benefiting everyone from the editing team to the sales and marketing teams. It is a system that not only informs them of the most recent product changes but also expedites and moves things ahead.
Features of Acumen Product Marketing Module-
- Keep your product marketing records.
- Arrange Copyright Date Ed, Advertising Budget, and Projected Sales Data.
- Maintain the file and data for Contributors (writers, illustrators, photographers, etc.).
- Store and manage editorials, news announcements, recommendations, and remarks made by readers, the publisher, and others.
- Import Review Record easily.
- Manage product realted awards records.
- Maintain vital information about your product's distributors and suppliers.
- Organize and manage digital assets and supporting resources.
ONIX significant business benefits to publishers-
- As a communication format, it enables the delivery of comprehensive product information in a common format to wholesalers and distributors, major retailers, data aggregators, and affiliate businesses.
- By offering a model for the information and organization of a product record, ONIX has encouraged the development of stronger internal information systems that can compile all the “metadata” required for the description and promotion of both new and backlist titles.
- Additionally, advanced information sheets, catalogs, and other promotional materials can be created using the same basic data.
Functionalities of Product Marketing Module -
- Access to Product Marketing records and other pertinent data is available through ONIX Dashboard, which also offers robust functionality.
- Set preferences to alter the mechanism for product marketing.
- Select a Product Marketing Contact to be automatically included in data exports.
- Create Product Marketing records using the ONIX Dashboard, the Inv Product file, or an import.
- For a number of product records at once, create Product Marketing records.
- Text fields are HTML compatible.
- Use Misc Updates to simultaneously change the same field in several Product Marketing records.
- Combine Duplicate contributors
- From the ONIX Dashboard, link publishers to a vendor record and generate mass events.
- Using ProdMkt Convert records, you can transfer standardized ONIX values while storing data in "plain English."
- In the Status section of the ONIX Dashboard, you can view the compliance status for all standards, including custom standards.
- Correct compliance issues in individual Product Marketing records using the Compliance Report as a guide.
- You should export product marketing data to your PowerWeb or other website.
- Use a variety of XML methods and functions to create SuperReports and Quick Reports that are unique to you.